Programme: Sales - Process, Proposals and Presenting

Whether you're selling products, services, ideas, or even yourself, the combination of a proven, consistent, and effective sales process, reinforced by the ability to get into the mind and decision-making of your target audience is critical. Rather than learning separately the skills of selling, writing proposals, and presenting them, here is a programme that combines all 3 skills with the opportunity to workshop up your own ideas with scenarios relevent to you and a facilitator with 30 years' experience. All with practice and feedback in a safe place.

Flexible but likely best delivered as 2 x 1-day courses on process and business-writing, then a 2-day course on presenting. Having a month between courses is useful to absorb and practice the skills before moving on. 

Or you could select any one or two of the three.





Overall Outcomes:

  • Understand the reasons people buy
  • Understand the sales cycle and the skills required for each stage
  • Know how to generate leads, qualify them and convert them into sales
  • Know how to build rapport and transition out of it
  • Use the right questions to discover needs
  • Know how to earn trust through listening
  • Understand the four P's of presenting solutions – prioritise, personalise, prepare, practise
  • Know how to respond to and overcome objections
  • Recognise when to close the sale and apply different techniques to do so
  • Know how to plan to follow up activities
  • Know how to ask for referrals
  • Understand 8 Business-Writing Principles that drive efficiency & effectiveness
  • Know Common Forms of Business Communication
  • Review Personality Types When Communicating
  • Identify and Understand Your Audience
  • Understand the Writing Process
  • Review English Language Fundamentals
  • How to Write With Clarity
  • Write Within Workplace Constraints
  • Choose Most Effective Wording
  • Use Effective Editing and Proofreading
  • Create Useful References and Appendices
  • Understand Email Etiquette
  • Effective Proposal / Report / Business-Case Writing
  • Learn to design effective & engaging presentations with a structure that enhances memory, manages nerves, and maximises impact
  • Select the most suitable delivery method based on the audience, the environment & the message being delivered
  • Master powerful & effective verbal & non-verbal communication techniques
  • Gain insight into effective techniques for calming nerves
  • Make existing PowerPoint presentations compelling and interact with them more effectively
  • Learn different tricks to add diversity & interest to engage a diverse or distracted audience
  • Gain flexibility and situational awareness to make presentations seem confident and conversational

"Terry surpassed himself and delivered an outstanding programme to our management team. Their Business Improvement Programme has enabled our Managers to develop, produce and present a variety of projects that will have very tangible benefits for our business. So not only have we been able to further develop the leadership skills of our managers, but we will also see tens of thousands of dollars added to the bottom line - what more could you want from a training programme and provider. Thanks!"

Stephen Nelson CEO "NZ Hardware Retailer of the Year 2010
Mitre 10 Mega Petone, NZ Hardware Store of the Year 2011



Client Comments:

"Terry is fantastic. Not only is he bringing his own skills, experience, and ideas to any engagement, but he is expert at helping your own team discover its hidden gems. I wouldn’t pigeonhole Terry into sales or any particular discipline. He has a wider perspective of business success that will benefit any team!" - Sean Mitchell, Publisher, TechDay

"Your seminar helped transform our company in terms of building and keeping an effective team. I am a chronic sceptic of business seminars and the slightly evangelical feel that many of them have.  Your presentation was focused on practical ideas from the real world, and all the better for it." - Kevin Townsend, CEO,