Facilitation Skills Course Outline

Do you need groups to solve problems, create innovations, or bridge gaps? Do your people get out amongst groups of customers, suppliers, or community where you need their input and ongoing cooperation? Would you rather not leave the group dynamics to chance or the best intentions of dominant personalities? What are your confidence levels that your people doing this have the best tools for the job and confidence levels? This training might be for you. ENQUIRE NOW


  • Identify the competencies linked to effective small group facilitation, including the different 'hats' of architect, pilot, and guide
  • Understand the difference between content and process   
  • Understand the stages of team development and ways to help teams through each stage   
  • Use common process tools to make meetings easier and more productive   
  • Define your role in facilitating   
  • Establish ground rules   
  • Develop content and process   
  • Deal with controversial issues and divergent perspectives   
  • Develop communication skills   
  • Add to your facilitator toolbox   
  • Give effective feedback   
  • Involve and move groups towards more collaborative and sustainable solutions beyond just agreeing on the day   
  • Deal with difficult people and situations 


"I have referred this course to our management team as there are others that would beneifit from this within our team". - Troy Allison, Duncan NZ

You’ll see a variety of learning strategies: cooperative / collaborative, constructive, experiential, Socratic, accelerated learning.

Participants will experience rotation of paired / small group work, the creation or completion of partial existing content to adapt it to their own situations, the tactical use of purposeful questions to guide people to self-discovery rather than just telling, intermittent problem-solving teambased challenges, a welcoming learning environment that gets the learners and their brains ready to learn. As part of addressing ever-diverse groups, as well as being generally wise principles of learning,

I also draw on principles from the field of Maori education:

• Ako (Learners also learn when they teach others)

• Poutama (Like a ladder, learning needs to climb on previous learning)

• Te Whare Tapa Wha (The learner’s needs need to be met across multiple dimensions: physical, mental, emotional, social)

• Tuakana Teina (‘buddy system’)

People are different and some topics lend themselves to being best delivered by particular styles. Therefore, what you get is variety, and a professional, experienced facilitator able to take examples and scenarios from the real-world of the participants and workshop them together in real-time, as opposed to didactic linear delivery of generic content. These methods ensure a productive, effective, and efficient balance between the delivery of academic content, and a practical and relevant session that is engaging, memorable, and interactive.